Some facts about Ozone Holes, Weather Patterns and Climate Change

November 30, 2018

I have given you:

 The full story of the retirement of Ulrich Uber Vane

Now I resent you with some facts you may Google if you so wish.  There is pelnty; some may relate to what I bring you here and some not; you be the judge.

 In June of 1964 we had three feet of snow in Johannesburg; never before or ever since.  When that melted it gushed down over flat land and nearly drowned a town called Upington in parched dry land almost 1000 miles south, south west of Johannesburg, the only route available to take the floods.  We traveled through there on our way to dry Namibia in June 1965 and saw the remaining debri 10 foot above the ground in trees that remained.

 A friend and I travelled the old Rhodesias [now Zambia and Zimbabwe] and saw Lake Kariba.  There is a version of the story that the movie Mister Moses, starring Robert Mitchum I think, was based on the Kariba project; Google to check it out.  Caborra Basa followed from that.

 In the last week of October 1964 while we were there, three major events came over the car radio; the break-up of the Rhodesias and the Nyasaland Federation, the end of Krutchev in Russia, and the first nuclear test by China.

Let me finish this …. before it becomes a tirade.

 What have we in Southern Africa this year?

 We ve just come out of a dry spell; even the weeds had died out before the past winter brought some relief, but what do we have in stead?

 We should be hiding inside from swelterimg heat with temps of 35 to 40 degrees C.  No, not this year.  I had to turn the heater on in the aircon one night one week ago when it fell down to 10C.

 Wake up mankind!

There will be a follow-up om this soon.

 Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon

The full story of the retirement of Ulrich Uber Vane

October 31, 2018

Ulrich Uber [saka W] Vane announced his retirement from public life and vacated his office at 17:00 leaving the business he had founded and built into a Worldwide Organizarion.

Read the whole story here as it unfolds; it is breaking now ….

Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon


IkeLeaks on Crime Row Western Cape Region South Africa

September 30, 2018

I have a deadline to meet, Folks and the old eye is playing up on me tonight; will fill you in later.


You have all read Wikipedia and WikiLeaks and you have seen some Ikepedia; now I bring you my first in a series of IkeLeaks!




It is in Dutch Afrikaans but there is a translation available.  I encourage you to read the heart-rending story by an advocate, an accomplished blogger and a heart to care, about a young boy in the gutter in Crime Row; the latter being my name for a town with no shame.


and then:


Then you Google Voices from Africa.


Cry, the Beloved Country.


Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon

I a, trying to delete this Post; ave already rep-laced it. My eye ie bad.

September 30, 2018

I have a deadline to meet, Folks and the old eye is playing up on me tonight; will fill you in later.


You have all read Wikipedia and WikiLeaks and you have seen some Ikepedia; now I bring you my first in a series of IkeLeaks!




It is in Dutch Afrikaans but there is a translation available.  I encourage you to read the heart-rending story by an advocate, an accomplished blogger and a heart to care, about a young boy in the gutter in Crime Row; the latter being my name for a town with no shame.


and then:


Then you Google Voices from Africa.


Cry, the Beloved Country.


Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon

HLB Barnett Chown AAA WWW Alert in Voices from Africa

August 13, 2018

Jaksonian Philosophy

Toy I bring my readers the first Post in a series about Voicess of We teople in South Africa.

 I will run the entire series in Facebook too and ask my readers to be on the lookout for the voice of a young man from Africa; he is far better qualified than I am but I have the background in Finance that he can use.  He is the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters Party but …

 Julius, my Bra, you must realize that Freedom is not all about the ownership of Land.  You annoy and scare People who would back you on the land issue [most of them have no more land than you do anyway] but the major problem in South Africa is not about the Land.

 s, grab some of the land; some of our ancestors did that, so I don’t see it as…

View original post 164 more words

HLB Barnett Chown AAA WWW Alert in Voices from Africa

August 13, 2018

Toy I bring my readers the first Post in a series about Voicess of We teople in South Africa.

 I will run the entire series in Facebook too and ask my readers to be on the lookout for the voice of a young man from Africa; he is far better qualified than I am but I have the background in Finance that he can use.  He is the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters Party but …

 Julius, my Bra, you must realize that Freedom is not all about the ownership of Land.  You annoy and scare People who would back you on the land issue [most of them have no more land than you do anyway] but the major problem in South Africa is not about the Land.

 s, grab some of the land; some of our ancestors did that, so I don’t see it as an issue, but you have to get down to the knitty gritty of what Economic Freedom is all about.

 It’s in the purse strings that control the Money Supply in the Land and their greedy little paws; just look at the smirky faces; they don’t care.  And they have not changed with the rest of the Country …. Oh well. they have in a way; they are worse now than they were when I first got to know them way back in 1973.  They are bigger too; last count almost 200 partners from their ivory tower plush offices in Bruma Johannesburg to Peter Chown in Scotland.  Just you Google for it, Julius, as I have it on top and see why I call ir the Dilemma that is facing Malema; scuse the pun on the wordplay.

 Malcolm Sheppard, you won’t get away with this.  I want my money back and aim to get it.

 Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon

Ikepedia on Continents and Countries and on Capitals of the World

July 29, 2018

I owe my readers a Post on Part 10 of my series for the Old Folks of Today and this will set the scene.

 I am not going to Google for it or provide any links for the Post; you go ahead and do so but it is my humble opinion that you should find a Man of Africa to do so.

 Let me just state that Africa is a Continent and that nobody will argue the point regardless of the many arguments on Continents and it is a Big One as far as Continents go.

 Point two: contrary to common thinking, Cape Town is not the shern tip of the continent.  Google for that and compare the location with Cairo in Egypt way up north; yeah Egypt is also on the Continent but you had better not say to an Egyptian that he is an African.  OK?

 Cairo Egypt

Latitude/longitude: 30°03′45″N31°14′58″E Decimal coordinates: 30.0626 31.2497

 L’Agulhas Africa SA is at the southern tip.  In local jargon we call it the place where the water is around your ankles at ebb tide; at high tide, well …. It is not a good idea to be in the water then; it gets over … suffices to say the fish may nibble at things you don’t want fish nibbling.

Decimal coordinates:-34.8223 20.0173

Altitude: 10 m.

 Cape Town

Latitude/longitude: 33°55′33″S18°25′23″E
Decimal coordinates: -33.9258 18.4232

 Now you Google for South Africa and “The Teeth of The Children” and tell me what you find.  In return I shall try introducing you to a Man of Africa to tell you his story.

 t has not been told yet, never even tried to do so; it is not what you saw in Meryl Streep in her Out of Africa melancholy, Folks, not at all; that was Hollywood; you should know, surely by now everyone should know that Hollywood is on another Planet way out in space.

 Will see you soon.  Google for the Catfish Capital of the World, or in the Universe for that matter, while you are at it and watch this space.  I shall return to introduce you to the Bool Sheet Capital of the World.

 Ike Jakson

In Americus GA aka Americoon

Today June 21st 50 year ago in 1968 on my Journey of Life Part One for the Young Folks of today

June 21, 2018

I stood there, and HOW, Boy oh Boy, I did; DONE HIM REAL GOOD and pulled him off.For my regular followers in WordPress, Yeah I did.  Gone and done were the days of innocence; had to face the test.

Would proceed and find myself all over to neet with its demands and find myself at another crossing of the roads exactly the same day and date in 197i; would miss that one at first but later on learn to catch up with him AND DO HIM.

hall now first Post Part 10 for the Old Folks to complete the story on Africa and then pick you up again right here.

Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon

A Requiem for the Loved One

June 14, 2018

I found it yesterday, late afternoon, my Brother.  You are the second One to know about it though you guided me in to anchor in our safe harbour.

You were always the Loved One.  Ouboet was the rock; he always was.  We know he had a presence; he was solid as, no much more, than Gibraltar.  He left large footprints in the financial history of our Country; they were cemented in that day in 1995 when he spoke and walked out.

He had to wait and got his reared posthumously in the Cape Town Supreme Court but he won and the Judge ordered them to pay.

That left us; and in the meantime you passed on that fateful day in May of 2010.

I rambled on and nearly missed it but got it now; will need a few days to treasure it but will do.

You were right, my Brother, so right though I almost missed it entirely.

Stay safe where you are Loved One; in just a few days that I still need to get it tight and sure I shall be ready to see you and we shall never part again.  I need to see it through and would like to but it won’t matter much after yesterday.  I did that for you while you held my hand.

Dedicated to my Boetie; there was only one of his kind ever in the World.

You are now safe, Boetie.  Broer will join you and Ouboet  soon and we shall never part again..

Ike Jakson

InAmericus GA saka Americoon

4 All Old Folks around the Globe Part 9 about a Fast Forward to the Past in order to get to the Future in Part 10

May 23, 2018

Something that happened a few days ago made me think of an old Saint in South African Politics; in a way it’s the story my old Blogging Buddy Cheech of Iowa once told about the Bishop who was asked to call the Bama a Saint.  Cheech, where RU?  Come in now and share your wisdom with all of us.

Well, it reminded me about old Saint Langenhoven and his story about donkeys.  I ran it in Facebook and it is a must read if you ever want to get to grips with Africa.

 ad it now:

Having had a career in Statistical Analysis I can tell you by reading the Headline of a Facebook Post what numbers of likely comments can be expected.

In this case getting two was a surprise, but I did expect at least one.

Part 10 is in preparation, in which we will get to Africa and I shall mention the name of Julius Malema in that.  Go ahead and Google that name; take some time on it and get yourself acquainted with a future President of South Africa, by the way highly likely to be renamed to become Azania in the not too distant future.

For the information of my regular WordPress readers, I am Part of the Half of FaceBook readers that are not Donkeys.

Ike Jakson

In Americus GA saka Americoon